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Fly to your dream!

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Our Features

Hello! ドアをくぐるとそこは英語の世界。




Hi5 English is not just a school for students to learn English, but also a gateway to self discovery and personal growth. We believe that learning English is more than just an academic pursuit: English serves as a lens through which we view the world, cultivating a deeper understanding of our world and ourselves. By creating an environment where students can feel comfortable to express their thoughts and opinions in English, they can enjoy their journey of learning, exploration, and personal development!

Dual Teaching System

Let's Fly! (キッズクラス)Let's Soar!アドバンス)クラスは ネイティブ講師の楽しいレッスンの前後に日本人講師がレッスンの復習やポイントを押さえサポートをします。交代に指導をするのでそれぞれのレッスンに集中できます。また、質問は日本語で出来るので、わかりやすくて安心です。

Most of our lessons are conducted by both a native English teacher and a Japanese teacher in turns. Students will experience maximum engagement in an all-English environment with the native English teacher as well as receive any necessary support from the Japanese teacher. Students will be able to reap the full benefits of every lesson!

Hi5 Phonics Program


Reading is a vital life skill and our students start building their foundation of reading and writing with our Hi5 Phonics Program. Through the Hi5 Phonics Program, students learn how to read and develop their reading skills progressively. Once they have mastered the program, they advance to the Hi5 Reading Club.

Hi5 Reading Club


Reading is an integral part of total language and thinking development. It forms the cornerstone of knowledge acquisition and self-growth. Students who graduate from our Hi5 Phonics Program and individuals who can read will join our Hi5 Reading Club. Students will be able to read extensively by borrowing English books from our library. We are always encouraging our students to read!

EIKEN Approved Test Site

資格としても重要視されている実用英語技能検定は、公益財団法人日本英語検定協会 が実施する英語技能の検定です。この協会に団体登録をしており準会場として 5級から 2級1次試験)まで当学院で受験することが出来ます。

We are an EIKEN-approved Test Site. We administer the first stage of EIKEN Grade 2, Pre-2, 3, 4, and 5. EIKEN is currently Japan’s most popular and widely-recognized English language proficiency assessment. It is used in high schools, colleges, and for university admissions and course credit. It is also recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) as a benchmark for junior high school and high school graduates.




Events are a great way for students to utilize the English skills they have picked up in class in a social and fun setting. Through our events, they will have further opportunities to interact and communicate with their classmates, friends, teachers, and people from all over the world!


Study Abroad, Home Stay Programs



To constantly broaden their horizons and develop as a culturally sensitive individual, we encourage our students to experience life abroad to gain priceless exposure to foreign culture and opportunities to interact with people around the world. Students will be able to utilize the skills they have learned and hone them further!

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